Financial Results for the First Half of the Fiscal Year Ending March 2022

October 29,2021

KDDI Corporation

KDDI announced the financial results for the first half of the fiscal year ending March 2022.


In the first half of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022, consolidated operating revenue increased 3.5% year on year, to ¥2,625.2 billion. Consolidated operating income was down 2.7%, to ¥573.1 billion due to operating costs that looking ahead despite the effects of lower telecom revenues transitioned within the assumption and the increase of profits driven by growth domain.
Profit for the period attributable to owners of the parent decreased 3.1% year on year, to ¥361.5 billion
We have achieved 54.6% of our consolidated operating income target for the full fiscal year, meaning that we are well on progress.

1st Half results are progressing steadily
The effects of lower telecom revenues transitioned within the assumption and operating looking ahead

<Consolidated Statement (IFRS)>

(Billions of yen)

1H/FY2021.31H/FY2022.3FY2022.3 (E)
Operating revenue 2,537.2 2,625.2 +3.5% 5,350.0 49.1%
Operating income 588.8 573.1 -2.7% 1,050.0 54.6%
Operating margin 23.2% 21.8% -1.4pt 19.6% -
Profit for the period attributable to owners of the parent 372.9 361.5 -3.1% 655.0 55.2%
EBITDA 945.7 947.2 +0.2% 1,810.0 52.3%
EBITDA Margin 37.3% 36.1% -1.2pt 33.8% -

For more details, please refer to the following materials.


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●Live webcast of presentation for institutional investors and analysts

The financial results presentation for institutional investors and analysts will be broadcast live starting from 5:30 p.m. today (JST.)

Open link in a new windowPresentations

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