




ミャンマーにおいては、通信ライセンスを有しているミャンマー国営郵便・電気通信事業体(Myanma Posts & Telecommunications、以下 MPT)が通信事業を行っており、当社は、住友商事と共同出資するKDDI Summit Global Myanmar Co. Ltd.を通じてMPTの通信事業運営をサポートし、ミャンマーの発展と国民生活の向上のために尽力しています。




Regarding to our telecommunication business in Myanmar

January 23, 2024

(Updated on January 26, 2024)

KDDI Corporation

The KDDI Group recognizes that all our business activities are based on the respect for human rights, and has established the "Open link in a new windowKDDI Group Human Rights Policy", which adheres to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. All our business activities are strictly in line with the principles outlined in this policy.

In Myanmar, Myanma Posts and Telecommunications (hereinafter, "MPT"), a licensed telecommunications service provider, offers telecommunications service, we support MPT's service operation through KDDI Summit Global Myanmar Co., Ltd., a joint venture established between Sumitomo Corporation and KDDI contribute to the sustainable growth of society and the welfare of people in Myanmar.

Since the declaration of the state of emergency in Myanmar on February 1, 2021, we have diligently implemented a range of initiatives in accordance with Open link in a new windowthe statement disclosed on September 29 of the same year. Especially, our commitment to respect human rights led us to appoint a globally renowned and trusted human rights consultant for an assessment on our business to check/review the possibilities of human rights impacts in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and other international norms and we have executed targeted actions to mitigate and prevent risks. And we reviewed the directions and actions to be taken through dialogues with various stakeholders.

The consultant recommended for us a series of actions such as to "ensure the safety of all employees," "conduct ongoing human rights due diligence," and "engage in dialogue with and support trusted stakeholders", we are continuing our human rights initiatives in line with these recommendations. In addition, dialogues with stakeholders reaffirmed the critical importance of maintaining and securing the telecommunication network for the people of Myanmar in the context of respecting human rights. After careful consideration of the multifaceted impacts of our operations, we are currently continuing our support in view of our contribution of staying in Myanmar and acting responsibly as a company that upholds international norms. (Updated on January 26, 2024) [Jump to the applicable section1]

Unfortunately, we acknowledge the persistently challenging situation in Myanmar, characterized by frequent regional conflicts and all businesses in Myanmar have been placed in a difficult situation, we recognize there are many opinions regarding to business. We will continue to pursue ways to respect human rights in accordance with international human rights norms. Doing so will include adherence to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, while taking care to ensure the safety of local employees, their families, and other related parties. In addition, we will consider appropriate actions by monitoring changing situations.

  • [1]
    Updated on January 26, 2024, because some of the expressions in the English translation did not match the original Japanese text.

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