KDDIは、KDDI Sustainable Actionを通じて、社会の持続的な成長に貢献することを目指すとともに、人権を尊重した事業運営を行うために「
ミャンマーにおいては、通信ライセンスを有しているミャンマー国営郵便・電気通信事業体 (Myanma Posts & Telecommunications、以下 MPT) が、同国の法律に則り、運輸・通信省 (規制当局) の監督の下、通信事業を行っており、当社は、住友商事と共同出資するKDDI Summit Global Myanmar Co. Ltd. (以下 KSGM) を通じてMPTと締結した契約 (Joint Operation Agreement) に基づき、これまでの海外での事業経験を生かしてMPTの通信事業運営をサポートしています。
また、規制当局は、同国の法律に従って、通信ライセンスを保有する通信事業者 (MPTを含む) に一部のデータ通信の遮断を命じており、全ての通信事業者がこれに従っていると承知しています。当社は、こうした通信遮断の即時全面解除に向けて、他の通信事業者とも連携して規制当局に要請書を発出するなど、インターネットの全面回復に向けて活動しています。
We, KDDI Corporation, aim to contribute to sustainable growth of society and to conduct business operations that respect human rights. To express our strong will clearly and definitely, we have established the KDDI Sustainable Action and the KDDI Group Human Rights Policy.
As a company that conducts businesses in Myanmar, we have watched what has been occurring in the country since a state of emergency was declared on February 1 this year.
In Myanmar, Myanma Posts and Telecommunications (hereinafter, "MPT"), a licensed telecommunications service provider, offers telecommunications service in compliance with the laws of the country and under the supervision of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the applicable regulatory authority. By drawing on its overseas business experience, we support MPT's service operation based on a Joint Operation Agreement concluded with MPT through KDDI Summit Global Myanmar Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, "KSGM"), a joint venture established between Sumitomo Corporation and KDDI.
We are deeply concerned about the situation in Myanmar regarding lawful interception and mobile internet shutdown in light of the importance of ensuring the use of communication for everyone and protecting its privacy from the perspective of human rights.
KDDI and KSGM are not subject to direct instructions from the regulatory authority with regard to interception based on the telecommunications laws of Myanmar. Neither are the companies in a position to acknowledge the instructions issued by the authority or the details of any other facts. However, we have requested MPT to ensure that proper process is secured for each individual case so that the basic human rights of the people of Myanmar are not negatively affected and that tangible and intangible assets provided by KSGM are not used in situations that violate the KDDI Group Human Rights Policy.
Furthermore, we understand that the regulatory authority, pursuant to relevant laws of Myanmar, has ordered licensed telecommunications service providers including MPT to partially shut down mobile internet, and that all service providers have been following the order. Aiming for a full and immediate lifting of the mobile internet shutdown, KDDI has been making efforts to fully restore the internet in collaboration with other telecommunications service providers by, for example, issuing a written request to the regulatory authority.
Since entering the business in 2014, we have consistently endeavored to contribute to Myanmar's development and improve the lifestyles of its people. We realize that all businesses are facing a difficult situation in Myanmar now and that opinions vary among the public. We understand that not all the information we have or our initiatives can be disclosed from the viewpoint of ensuring the safety of our local colleagues, their family members and other related people and abiding by the confidentiality obligations under relevant contracts. However, despite the adverse conditions, we believe that our actions are exerting positive effects from the perspective of providing technical and marketing support for the country's communication service, which is an essential element of its people's lives and economic activities, as well as of respecting human rights. We are determined to continue pursuing ways to respect international human rights norms such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, including dialogues with stakeholders, in accordance with the KDDI Group Human Rights Policy.
We sincerely hope that the human rights of the people of Myanmar will be protected and the situation will be resolved peacefully at the earliest possible timing.