KDDI announces new rate plans for VoLTE compatible au mobile phones

About rate plans for VoLTE compatible au mobile phones

1. Charges

Concurrent with the release of AQUOS K SHF32, Japan's first VoLTE compatible au mobile phone, the following new rate plans will be available:

  • (1)
    Pay-as-you-go Basic Calling Plan + Double-Teigaku service
    Rate plan
    (Everybody Discount is applied)
    Flat-rate Data serviceLTE

    VK Plan M


    Voice call: ¥20/30 sec.
    Includes free call allowance of
    ¥2,600 (65 min.)
    Double-Teigaku (VK)
    ¥500 to ¥4,200 ¥300 ¥2,420 to ¥6,120

    VK Plan S


    Voice call: ¥20/30 sec.
    Includes free call allowance of
    ¥1,100 (27 min.)
    ¥1,798 to ¥5,498

    VK Plan


    Voice call: ¥20/30 sec.
    Free when making domestic voice calls to au mobile phones between 1:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.
    ¥1,798 to ¥5,498
  • (2)
    Unlimited Voice Call Plan + Flat-rate Data service
    Rate plan
    (Everybody Discount is applied)
    Flat-rate Data serviceLTE
    TotalWhen au Smart Value is applied


    Regular rate

    Unlimited Voice Call Plan (VK)


    Flat-rate Data 2 (VK) ¥3,500 ¥300 ¥6,000 ¥5,066
    Flat-rate Data 3 (VK) ¥4,200 ¥6,700 ¥5,766
    Flat-rate Data 5 (VK) ¥5,000 ¥7,500 ¥6,090
    Flat-rate Data 8 (VK) ¥6,700 ¥9,200 ¥7,790
    Flat-rate Data 10 (VK) ¥8,000 ¥10,500 ¥8,500
    Flat-rate Data 13 (VK) ¥9,800 ¥12,300 ¥10,300
  • (3)
    Unlimited Voice Call Plan + Double-Teigaku service
    Rate plan
    (Everybody Discount is applied)
    Flat-rate Data serviceLTE

    Unlimited Voice Call Plan (VK)


    Double-Teigaku (VK)
    ¥500 to ¥4,200 ¥300 ¥3,000 to ¥6,700
    • [1]
      When "Smile Heart Discount" is applied, Unlimited Voice Call Plan is discounted to ¥2,000 and VK Plan/VK Plan M/VK Plan S remain the same charges as those when Everybody Discount is applied.
      Applicable only when the conditions of au Smart Value are satisfied. Discount by up to ¥934 is applied after 2 years of subscription.
      Double-Teigaku (VK) allows data communications up to 10MB for the monthly flat rate of ¥500. When communication data exceed 10MB, ¥0.02 per 1KB is charged up to a maximum of ¥4,200. If communication data exceed 2GB within a month, communication speed slows down to max. 128kbps for both TX and RX.

2. Eligible models

All au mobile phones compatible with VoLTE

3. Starting day to accept applications

Applications will be accepted in concurrence with the release of AQUOS K SHF32 in mid-July 2015.

About rate plan for AQUOS K SHF31

1. New additional rate plan

There will be additional rate plans applicable to AQUOS K SHF31 that was released in February 2015.

Rate plan
(Everybody Discount is applied)
Flat-rate Data serviceLTE

LTE Plan [2]


Voice call: ¥20/30 sec.
Includes free call allowance of ¥1,100 (27 min.)
LTE Double-Teigaku
¥500 to ¥4,200 ¥300 ¥1,798 to ¥5,498
  • [1]
    Rate remains unchanged when Smile Heart Discount is applied.
    LTE Plan S contract must be in place in combination with LTE Double-Teigaku.
    LTE Double-Teigaku allows data communications up to 10MB for the monthly flat rate of ¥500. When communication data exceed 10MB, ¥0.02 per 1KB is charged up to a maximum of ¥4,200. If communication data exceed 2GB within a month, communication speed slows down to max. 128kbps for both TX and RX.
    (This limitation of communication speed is released on the first day of the following month.)

2. Eligible models


3. Starting day to accept applications

Applications will be accepted in concurrence with the release of the rate plans for VoLTE compatible au mobile phones in mid-July 2015.

(Reference) Current rate plans

  • (1)

    Unlimited Voice & Data Freedom Plan and LTE Plan
    All customers who purchase AQUOS K SHF31 are eligible for AQUOS K Start Discount that can benefit from ¥1,000 (tax excluded) discount form their phone bills every month for up to 4 years.

    (Tax excluded)
    Rate plan
    (Everybody Discount is applied)
    Flat-rate Data serviceLTE
    Campaign discountTotal
    Regular rateRegular rateWhen au Smart Value is applied

    Unlimited Voice Call Plan


    Flat-rate Data 2 ¥3,500 ¥300 -¥1,000
    4 years max.
    ¥5,500 ¥4,566
    Flat-rate Data 3 ¥4,200 ¥6,200 ¥5,266
    Flat-rate Data 5 ¥5,000 ¥7,000 ¥5,590
    Flat-rate Data 8 ¥6,700 ¥8,700 ¥7,290
    Flat-rate Data 10 ¥8,000 ¥10,000 ¥8,000
    Flat-rate Data 13 ¥9,800 ¥11,800 ¥9,800

    LTE Plan


    LTE Flat ¥5,700 ¥5,934 ¥4,524
    • [1]
      When "Smile Heart Discount" is applied, Unlimited Voice Call Plan is discounted to ¥2,500 and LTE Plan remains the same charges as those when Everybody Discount is applied.
      Applicable only when the conditions of au Smart Value are satisfied. Discount up to ¥934 is applied after 2 years of subscription.
    • A unit price for mobile phones, charges for options and Universal Service charges are not included.
  • (2)

    Senior Plan
    Senior customers older than 55 years who purchase AQUOS K SHF31 are eligible for Senior Plan that includes 0.7GB data communication capacity every month.

    (Tax excluded)
    (When Everybody Discount is applied) [1]
    When au Smart Value is applied
    Basic Charge [3]
    • Flat-rate Data service charge (0.7GB) is included
    ¥3,980 ¥3,046
    LTE NET ¥300 ¥300
    total ¥4,280 ¥3,346
    • [1]
      The rate remains unchanged when Smart Heart Discount is applied.
      Applicable only when the conditions of au Smart Value are satisfied.
      Free when making domestic voice calls to au mobile phones between 1:00 am and 9:00 p.m. Any other voice call incurs additional calling charge.
    • This Flat-rate Data service is applicable to "Data Charge" and "Data Gift".
    • A unit price for mobile phones, charges for options and Universal Service charges are not included.

  • The information contained in the news releases is current at the time of publication. Products, service fees,service content and specifications, contact information, and other details are subject to change without notice.