Integrated Sustainability and Financial Report 2022 Released ―Introducing Sustainability Targets to achieve KDDI VISION 2030―

October 20,2022

On October 20, 2022, KDDI released its Open link in a new windowIntegrated Sustainability and Financial Report 2022 ("This report") to promote understanding and dissemination of KDDI's sustainability management.
This report shows initiatives and Sustainability Targets toward achieving KDDI VISION 2030's message "The creation of a society in which anyone can make their dreams a reality, by enhancing the power to connect."

KDDI Integrated Sustainability and Financial Report 2022

<Cover page of the report>


To respond to changes of business environments and achieve the ideal future society, KDDI unfurled its KDDI VISION 2030 in May 2022, devising the Open link in a new window most important issues (materiality) (in Japanese only) comprehensively illustrating importance levels of social issues and the KDDI Group's management issues from long-term perspectives. We released the report to inform investors and other diverse stakeholders of KDDI's sustainability management initiatives aimed at achieving KDDI VISION 2030.

■About This Report

- This report introduces materiality initiatives and Sustainability Targets [Jump to the applicable section1] among others. It also carries messages from board members and interviews with representatives in charge of each materiality, on subjects such as the KDDI Group's strengths and value we offer to society.
- Also, the cycle of value created by KDDI is called the KDDI Value Creation Model [Jump to the applicable section2] and it illustrates how advancing our Mid-Term Management Strategy will contribute to a long-term social impact, achieving sustainable growth of society while also improving corporate value.
- We have combined the Integrated Report, which covered financial and non-financial information, and the Sustainability Report, which mostly covered sustainability information.

Carry out the Satellite Growth Strategy based on sustainability management and strengthen the management foundation that supports it

<Interview with the board member in charge of this report>

■Mid-Term Sustainability Targets

Along with the release of this report, we have released a webpage to introduce our Mid-Term Sustainability Targets.
To view our Mid-Term Sustainability Targets, Open link in a new windowvisit:

■KDDI's Initiatives

The KDDI Group will advance sustainability management together with our partners to achieve sustainable growth with society and further boost our corporate value, unfurling "The creation of a society in which anyone can make their dreams a reality, by enhancing the power to connect." in KDDI VISION 2030.

  • [1]
    Sustainability targets are devised based on KDDI VISION 2030 and the Mid-Term Management Strategy, disclosing results every year.
  • [2]
    KDDI Value Creation Model presents how KDDI creates and cycles value and is based on our Value Creation Process, our medium and long-term value-creation process within an international integrated reporting framework.

  • The information contained in the news releases is current at the time of publication. Products, service fees,service content and specifications, contact information, and other details are subject to change without notice.