Notice Regarding the Cancellation of Treasury Stock

May 10,2024

KDDI Corporation

The Board of Directors of KDDI Corporation ("KDDI",) at its meeting held today, resolved that KDDI will cancel a portion of its treasury stock pursuant to Article 178 of the Companies Act of Japan, as stated below.

  • 1. Type of shares to be cancelled:
    Shares of common stock
  • 2. Number of shares to be cancelled:
    (4.81% of the total issued shares before cancellation)
  • 3. Date of Cancellation:
    May 20, 2024

Reference: After the cancellation, the number of treasury stocks will be 5.00% of the total number of issued shares.

Total number of issued shares after the cancellation 2,191,846,416 shares
Total number of treasury stocks after the cancellation 109,592,321 shares

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