Notice Regarding Repurchase of Own Shares (Repurchase of own shares under the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation pursuant to Article 165, Paragraph 2, of the Companies Act)

May 15,2019

KDDI Corporation

The Board of Directors of KDDI Corporation ("KDDI",) at its meeting held today, resolved that KDDI will repurchase its own shares pursuant to Article 156 of the Companies Act of Japan, which applies pursuant to Article 165, Paragraph 3, of that law.

1. Reasons for repurchase of KDDI's own shares

To implement flexible capital policies in response to the change in the business environment and to provide shareholders return.

2. Details of matters relating to the repurchase

(1) Type of shares to be repurchased Shares of common stock
(2) Total number of shares to be repurchased Up to 73,000,000 shares
(Ratio to the shares outstanding: 3.10%)
(3) Total amount of repurchase price Up to 150 billion yen
(4) Repurchase period From May 16, 2019 to December 23, 2019
(5) Repurchase method Market purchases through the Tokyo Stock Exchange

Reference: Own shares held by KDDI as of March 31, 2019

Total number of shares outstanding 2,351,050,672 shares
Total number of treasury stocks [1] 180,953,773 shares
  • [1]
    The number of treasury stocks listed includes the 4,322,928 shares of KDDI shares owned by the executives' compensation BIP Trust Account and ESOP Trust Account.

  • The information contained in the articles is current at the time of publication.
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