Notice of Nominees for Directors (Resolution planned, June 20, 2018)

May 10,2018

KDDI Corporation

KDDI Corporation resolved at a meeting of the Board of Directors held today to nominate following members for directors.
This subject is to be resolved at the annual meeting of Shareholders, and the meeting of the Board of Directors scheduled on June 20, 2018.

  • 1.
    Nominees for Directors
    Takashi Tanaka Chairman [1]
    Hirofumi Morozumi Vice Chairman [1]
    Makoto Takahashi President [1]
    Yuzo Ishikawa Director [1]
    Yoshiaki Uchida Director
    Takashi Shoji Director
    Shinichi Muramoto Director
    Keiichi Mori Director
    Kei Morita Director (Newly-appointed)
    Goro Yamaguchi Director
    Tatsuro Ueda Director (Newly-appointed)
    Kuniko Tanabe Director
    Yoshiaki Nemoto Director
    Shigeo Ohyagi Director (Newly-appointed)
    • [1]
      Directors with representative rights
    • Note:
      Mr. Goro Yamaguchi, Mr. Tatsuro Ueda, Ms. Kuniko Tanabe, Mr. Yoshiaki Nemoto, and Mr. Shigeo Ohyagi are the nominees for the position for outside director.
      Ms. Kuniko Tanabe, Mr. Yoshiaki Nemoto, and Mr. Shigeo Ohyagi are the nominees for the position of independent director pursuant to Rule 436-2 of the Securities Listing Regulations of Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.
  • 2.
    Directors Planning to Retire
    Director Tadashi Onodera
    Director Nobuyori Kodaira
    Director Shinji Fukukawa
  • 3.
    Nominees for Audit & Supervisory Board Member
    Yasuhide Yamamoto Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Newly-appointed)
  • 4.
    Audit & Supervisory Board Member Planning to Retire
    Audit & Supervisory Board Member Hiroshi Kobayashi

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